Membership is free and accessible to all - and has been since we were founded in 2005! For those looking to gain even more access and exposure, we also offer two optional levels of paid membership for individuals and businesses.

Membership in the Columbus Young Professionals (CYP) Club is full of opportunities to socialize with other young business professionals, network with local business and community leaders, volunteer in the community, play on a rec sports team, discover career opportunities and more.

Whether you join as a Social member (for free), as a Premium member ($95/year), or as a Business member ($500/year), there are some amazing benefits that come with your membership. And as the nation's largest YP association, there are more than 20,000 fellow CYP Club members who you’re already connected to via our club!

CYP Club members are educated and active. Nearly 70% of our members are between the ages of 25-34, with 88% of members holding a bachelor's degree or higher. And our organization grows by about 2,000 new members a year! If you are looking to become a part of the CYP Club, there are three levels of membership offered:

How To Join



Social Membership is absolutely FREE and grants you an open invitation to all events, including a weekly subscription to our member newsletter. Most CYP Club events will have a nominal ticket cost, while other events are free. This level of membership never expires, unless you unsubscribe.


Our Premium Membership level allows you even more access to the best social networking events in central Ohio for less than $8 per month. You’ll receive free or discounted tickets to almost all events, as well as special giveaways, comped magazine subscriptions, and other benefits.


Also known as “Friends of the Club," a Business Membership grants your company up to five (5) Premium member upgrades while providing incredible benefits for your business, including opportunities for job listings/recruitment, brand alignment, directory listing in our city guide, and more.